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Joseph Paul Vorst Lithographs: Curated by Glen Nelson

Please join us Friday, April 6th, at 6 pm for the opening of JOSEPH PAUL VORST LITHOGRAPHS. This exhibition is guest curated by Glen Nelson, co-executive director of the Mormon Arts Center and author of the monograph Joseph Paul Vorst, published by the Mormon Artists Group.

After Vorst's immigration to America, he produce more than three dozen lithographic prints, all dating from the 1930s and 40s. The show will bring together his complete extant American lithographs for the first time in a gallery exhibition. Two years after his death, the LDS Church in St. Louis exhibited many of these works as part of a memorial show. This is the first since that time that these beautiful images have been gathered and exhibited.

Glen has written a 92-page digital catalog for the show, including a new essay of scholarship, an interview between Nelson and gallery owner Brad Kramer, and full-page reproductions and observations on each of the 37 works.

The April 6th opening reception is free and open to the public, and will coincide with downtown Provo's Art Stroll.

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